Friday, October 3, 2014

Quick Review-Red Band Society(TV show)

Red Band Society is a new television about a group of teenagers that live in the same hospital.  Each teen has their own back story and condition that keeps them there. The narration for each episode so far is done by a teenage boy who is in a coma. The way it is explained through the episodes makes it a worthwhile choice. The show works on many different levels like that. They even make the overused "mean girl cheerleader" cliche work. The most noticeable member of this good cast is Octavia Spencer, who won an Oscar for her role in The Help. She plays Nurse Jackson, the head nurse at the hospital whose known for being tough but caring. The show has heart and I would recommend people to give it a chance to see how you like it.

Based on the first two episodes,

Rating: 8.2 out of 10