Playing For Keeps is a new romantic comedy starring Gerald Butler and Jessica Biel. George(Butler) was an all star soccer player that had a touch of bad luck after he left the game. He still want to be a good father to his son Lewis(Noah Lomax) . To help do this, he promises her ex-wife Stacie(Biel) he would help coach his son's soccer team. In doing this, he opens himself up to the parents of the soccer players. These parents (Catherine Zeta-Jones, Dennis Quaid, Uma Thurman, Judy Greer) have things they want from George,which ranges from sex to guarantee of their kids' playing time. Can George focus of the right things? We shall see. The movie is good but has a bunch of issues to it. The script doesn't blend the stories of George and the parents as well as it should. The main thing that makes it work is the story between George, Lewis and Stacie. The director of the film, Gabriele Muccino, is used to directing dramas (The Pursuit of Happyness, Seven Pounds). While he does a good job of filming the interactions of each of the characters, he doesn't do a good job of framing action/sports scenes. Overall, it is a decent movie that should be given a chance despite its flaws.
Rating: 7.3 out of ten
Hey! Found your blog by chance actually but I see that you do movie reviews etc. I have a blog called A Female Reviews.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I thought the film was dire and wouldn't watch it again if someone paid me! It's just so not "cool" and I fear Gerard Butler may be on the way out.