Parental Guidance is a new family comedy staring Billy Crystal, Bette Midler and Marisa Tomei. Artie and Diane Decker(Crystal and Midler) is a loving couple who have not seen their grandchildren in awhile. Their daughter Alice(Tomei) lives in a different state and doesn't come out to visit them that offer. When Alice's husband Phil(Tom Everett Scott) has a business trip that he wants her to accompany him on, they have to call on Artie and Diane to watch the kids while they are gone. That is when the craziness ensues. I absolutely love this movie. The movie examines the way the two generations are being raised and how the world has changed in between. The chemistry between Crystal and Midler is superb and is the glue that holds the movie together. The movie flows so effortlessly that there is really no slow moments. It is a 80's type of comedy living in the current world and it is done so well. This is a movie that the whole family can enjoy,no matter what age they are.
Rating: 9.5 of ten
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