Muppets Most Wanted is the latest installment of the Muppet movie franchise. The movie takes place directly after the The Muppets(2011). The plot of the movie centers around a criminal mastermind named Constantine that looks like Kermit The Frog. Kermit and the rest of The Muppets decide, on the advice of Dominic Badguy (Ricky Gervais), to go on European Tour to capitalize on their latest success. When Constantine escapes out of prison, he takes Kermit's place and starts to plan heists on each stop on their tour. Kermit, on the other hand, mistakenly gets throw in prison with warden Nadya (Tina Fey) keeping a watchful eye on him. I like the movie but was not as good as the previous film. In the opening musical number, it mentions that the sequel is not as good as the first. This is a clever way of letting audiences know to just enjoy the film (almost like the theme to Mystery Science Theater 3000 does). The story is ok but seemed like a retelling of The Great Muppet Caper at times. The performances and the music is the glue that makes this movie good. Tina Fey and Ty Burrell give good performances as does Gervais(although his character is held down a little bit by the script). The musical numbers in this film were great and will have you wanting to watch this movie over again. There are so many enjoyable cameos in this movie but that is the norm for a Muppet movie. If you are a fan of the Muppets, you will love this movie. If you have never watched a Muppet movie, see the 2011 film before you go see this movie.
Rating: 8.2 of 10
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