The Dark Knight Rises is the third film of the Batman saga directed by Christopher Nolan. The results of what happened in The Dark Knight has Batman as a fugitive of the law. Bruce Wayne(Christian Bale) has turned into a recluse during that time. Even the help of Alfred(Michael Caine), he is having a hard time of getting on with life. When a mercenary named Bane(Tom Hardy) starts to wreak havoc in Gotham, Bruce must reemerge as Batman to put a stop to his plans. Along the way, his path cross with Selina Kyle/Catwoman(Anne Hathaway), a thief who has motives of her own. The only people on the police force that is on Batman's side is Jim Gordon(Gary Oldman) and Blake(Joseph Gordon-Levitt). One of the things that made The Dark Knight great is it had an underline theme of the times (how far do you go to catch a criminal). The Dark Knight Rises has a similar theme(the haves and the have nots and the bullying from those in control) but doesn't work quite as well. There are a few things that I didn't like(Bane is hard to understand at times, a scene later in the movie reminded me of a Calvin Klein commercial) but it doesn't hurt the feel of the film. Overall, I love this movie! It is an intense action movie that most everyone can and should see(Dark Knight got too intense for some people).
Rating:9.0 out of 10
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